Policy on Use and Scheduling of 网红前任爆料 Properties including Digital Signage


网红前任爆料 is an educational institution established to carry out the mission of teaching, learning, and service. College facilities exist for the primary purpose of supporting that mission and related educational activities. The facilities and grounds of 网红前任爆料 are intended primarily to support the institutional needs of faculty, students, and staff. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that College interior and exterior spaces are used efficiently and responsibly, and in ways consistent with the priorities of the College. After meeting the space needs of faculty, students, and staff, internal space may be rented to other individuals and groups at the discretion of College officials so long as the use does not interfere with College activities. In all cases, the College may impose reasonable conditions on the time, place, and manner in which facilities, both indoor and out, are used.

College Priority

The property of the College is primarily dedicated to academic, student life, and administrative functions, including the sovereign function of providing higher education. Except as provided by Oklahoma law, College property is not a place of unrestricted public access. Activities of the College itself have precedence over all extracurricular events and all activities of other users. Activities of recognized student organizations and groups have priority over those of other users except the College. Occasions may arise when, in order to accommodate official College activities and functions, an official College activity takes precedence for use of an already scheduled space. Additionally, use of college facilities are subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions that take into account, among other considerations, the direct and indirect costs to the institution; environmental, health and safety concerns; wear and tear on the facilities; appropriateness of the event to the specific facility; and the impact of the event on the campus community, surrounding neighborhoods, and the general public. In reviewing conflicting requests to use college facilities, primary consideration is given to activities specifically related to the College鈥檚 mission.

Access to Indoor and Schedulable Campus Facilities

  • Faculty and staff of the college and college affiliates may use campus facilities while advancing the college mission and must follow applicable college policies when doing so.
  • College groups, such as registered student organizations, may reserve and use campus facilities, and must follow applicable college policies when doing so.
  • Invited guests of faculty, staff, and registered student organizations may use college facilities, provided that the sponsoring employee and invited entity both are present at the event to ensure that all applicable college polices are followed.
  • Non-college groups may request to use the college facilities as outlined below only by:
    • Renting space and obtaining services through the college under the terms and conditions established by the party who is in charge of scheduling the area by using the .
    • Using the campus-designated unscheduled expressive outdoor space under the conditions described below.

Metro Campus Schedulable Space for Non-College Groups

  • Thomas K. McKeon Center for Creativity (C4C)
  • Phillips Building Auditorium MP110

Southeast Campus Schedulable Space for Non-College Groups

  • Auditorium 9101
  • VanTrease Performing Arts Center for Education (PACE)

Northeast Campus Schedulable Space for Non-College Groups

  • Small Auditorium SU 128
  • South Meeting Room SU 226

West Campus Schedulable Space for Non-College Groups

  • Gallery Conference Room SU 105
  • Student Union Auditorium SU 106

Riverside Aviation Center for Non-College Groups

  • Classrooms: 203, 204, 205, 206, and 207
  • Meeting Room 115
  • Student Lounge (atrium) 鈥 Room 128

Campus Parking Lot Rentals

Some parking lots may be available for weekend or evening rentals.

Unscheduled expressive outdoor events and activities

网红前任爆料 embraces the sharing of knowledge and ideas through public discourse and free speech. As part of this community devoted to learning, 网红前任爆料 students, faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to engage in respectful dialogue.

Any member of the College campus community or the public may use unrestricted generally accessible outdoor areas for non-commercial expressive activities on a first come, first served basis without giving prior notice if:

  • The activity does not materially and substantially disrupt the function of the College, as defined by state law, including but not limited to the following:
    1. engaging in fighting, violent, or other unlawful behavior;
    2. violating state or federal law;
    3. committing any act likely to create a health or safety hazard;
    4. engaging in destruction of College or personal property or in the physical harm to others;
    5. physically blocking or using threats of violence to prevent any person from attending, listening to, viewing or otherwise participating in an expressive activity;
    6. interfering or impeding the institution鈥檚 scheduled classes, events, ceremonies, or normal and essential operations; or,
    7. interfering or blocking the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or the entrance or exit of any building.
  • Use of unscheduled expressive outdoor space may only occur between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on days when the College is open. All use of unscheduled expressive outdoor space must be held at least 20 feet away from buildings that normally hold classes.
  • When an unscheduled activity conflicts with an event which was previously scheduled for the same time and space, the unscheduled activity shall be allowed to continue in its existing location until it needs to be relocated to allow for the prior scheduled activity or preparations for it. When relocation is necessary or desired by those engaging in the unscheduled activity, upon request, the appropriate College official will assist in relocating it to a space where the activity can continue or in scheduling it for a different time.
  • When an unscheduled activity participant will not use sound amplification equipment or equipment requiring use of electrical power connections. Due to the proximity of offices and classrooms, the College does not permit excessive noise during any event. The sound level should not disturb the occupants of buildings or interfere with normal College activities. Amplified sound outside is permitted daily between 12 pm - 1 pm only and only by hand-held megaphones if used so as to direct the sound away from nearby buildings that normally hold classes. Sound volumes must be at or below 90 decibels inside the surrounding buildings.
  • Signs or banners will be carried or personally attended always by at least one participant. Unattended displays may not be used.
  • Vehicles and heavy equipment may not be used in unscheduled expressive outdoor space.
  • No items (e.g., signs, equipment, d茅cor, etc.) may be attached in any manner to trees, bushes, benches, light poles, buildings, or permanent signs.
  • No free-standing structure may be constructed for any event not specifically sponsored by the College. Freestanding removable displays are permitted if the display occupies a space of less than 200 cubic feet, has a footprint of not more than 100 square feet, weighs less than 300 pounds, is always accompanied by an individual responsible for the display, and is removed in its entirety daily. If a group chooses to secure its display to the ground, it must only be affixed using a water ballast system, no stakes or other affixtures or bases are allowed.
  • Non-commercial pamphlets, handbills, circulars, newspapers, leaflets, magazines, fliers, and other written materials may be distributed on a person-to-person basis in open areas outside of buildings if done in a way to avoid substantial littering on the campus.
  • Access to any ponds, standing water, fenced areas, the exterior, roof (except for the McKeon Center for Creativity roof patio), and sides of campus buildings is prohibited, except by authorized personnel. Rappelling off, climbing on, and the dropping of objects from campus buildings are expressly prohibited.

The following outdoor areas are especially conducive to non-commercial expressive activities because they are located centrally and in high-traffic areas. These areas are located at:

  • West Campus in the green space directly east of the Information Commons.
  • Southeast Campus by the Peace Poll near Building 7.
  • Northeast Campus in the outdoor classroom space near the bridge between the Student Union and the Academic Building.
  • The Metro Campus has extremely limited common area green space.

Additional Requirements for Off-Campus College-Related Groups and Non-College Organizations

  • Unless using an outdoor space as outlined above all College properties used by off-campus groups and non-College organizations and individuals must have prior approval from the appropriate scheduling office.
  • If the organization is offering instruction, the instruction cannot duplicate any 网红前任爆料 programs or courses and must be open to 网红前任爆料 students and employees. The request must be approved by an appropriate academic dean/director.
  • Financial Liability and Insurance: Off-campus organizations, public service agencies, and off-campus College or College-related groups sponsoring campus events and meetings must sign a statement of financial responsibility and file it with a scheduling office prior to an event or meeting. The organization using 网红前任爆料 properties must name 网红前任爆料 Regents as additional insured at a minimum of one million dollars on their existing liability insurance policy for the date(s) of the event. 网红前任爆料 Regents must also be named a certificate holder. Campus events are reviewed by scheduling offices according to liability and risk factors. Additional insurance requirements may be imposed following the scheduling office's consultation with campus Risk Management.

Activities at an Event

  • Organizations, departments or individuals who have outstanding payment balances to the College are not permitted to reserve any campus property.
  • Event organizers shall contact the 网红前任爆料 Marketing and Communications Department prior to recording an event for radio broadcasting, or filming, broadcasting, or photographing any scenes in which identifiable College properties appear.

Solicitation of Funds and Donations

  • College properties cannot be used by faculty, staff, or students for commercial purposes or personal financial gain.
  • Groups are prohibited from selling credit cards, or newspaper subscriptions. Other merchandise-type items will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Sale of clothing or apparel, books, and food are subject to approval by the 网红前任爆料 Campus Stores, and/or Dining Services.
  • Off-campus organizations are not permitted to charge admission or collect monies for an event held in College space for which no rental fee is being charged. Costs incurred for the rental of tables, chairs, and/or other additional equipment items must be covered by other means.
  • Off-campus noncommercial groups such as charitable organizations, public service agencies, and College or College-related groups may engage in fund-raising activities on campus only if they comply with campus regulations as to the time, place, and manner of solicitation.
  • Fundraising by commercial off-campus groups is prohibited.

Serving Food and Beverage

  • The 网红前任爆料 campus contracts its food service to independent suppliers. The serving of food on any campus property is subject not only to the conditions specified in the campus food service contract and any applicable health and safety laws and rules.
  • 网红前任爆料 may authorize vendors to sell alcoholic beverages for on premises consumption at 网红前任爆料 events. The College has designated the Thomas K. McKeon Center for Creativity (C4C) and the VanTrease Performing Arts Center for Education (PACE) on the Southeast Campus as the only pre鈥恆pproved areas where alcoholic beverages may be served at catered events held on the campuses of 网红前任爆料. All other locations must receive approval from the Office of the Chief Operating Officer prior to the function.
    1. The College reserves the right to control the time and length of an event in which alcohol is served and further reserves the right to deny service to individuals and to discontinue the service of alcoholic beverages prior to the scheduled ending time should the conduct and decorum of the guests or violations of these guidelines or state laws make it necessary to do so.
    2. If the College deems it necessary to have security at the event, we will arrange appropriate personnel from 网红前任爆料PD. The cost is at least $40.00 per hour, per officer with a minimum of $120.00. The charge will be added to your reservation.
    3. The College鈥檚 Guidelines for Service of Alcohol Beverages document will be provided to all groups who receive approval.

Digital Signage

网红前任爆料 uses on-campus digital signage to promote events hosted by recognized student organizations, College departments, and important announcements from College administration.

Southeast Campus Marquee

  • The Marquee is not a public forum and are for College use only. All messages must adhere to the 网红前任爆料 Acceptable Use Policy. Messages may not include or promote commercial activities, or advertisements from non-College organizations. Personal or political statements, links or information may not be included in digital signage messages. Messages may not include use of copyrighted materials or content without permission or license.
  • Content will rotate every six-to-eight seconds with a running time up-to two weeks for event publicity. No more than six unique messages will be in the lineup at any time, with a limit of two lines of text and up to 85 characters per message.
  • Any use of the 网红前任爆料 brand must be in compliance with the 网红前任爆料 Style Guide.

Campus Digital Boards

  • Campus digital boards are not a public forum and are for College use only. Digital signage reservation requests must be submitted two weeks before the requested run date to Student Life. Deadlines for submissions will be the first and third Friday of each month. Art requests can be submitted to Marketing and Communications department via online form through the .
  • 网红前任爆料 reserves the right to accept or reject any materials submitted for posting, and the right to modify or edit all materials. All messages submitted are subject to space availability and appropriateness of content.
  • Reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, pending approval of the image and parameters outlined herein. Only one digital signage ad per event will be approved.
  • Cancelations must be received three days prior to the beginning of your requested start date. Failure to cancel an ad within the requested timeframe will result in loss of future privileges.
  • Images can be submitted for use, but they must be approved by the 网红前任爆料 Marketing and Communications department in advance. If they are not approved, a replacement image will be provided by Marketing and Communications or 网红前任爆料 Student Life.
  • Final image must have landscape orientation. Images must be designed to screen specifications at 1320px x 780px. Images that are not designed to screen specifications will not be approved.
  • The complete name of the sponsoring organization must be prominently displayed. The event name, location, time, date and other necessary information (costs, registration location, etc.) must also be included. If information exceeds allotted character count, website URL and/or contact information must be provided where full details can be accessed.
  • The image must be formatted in a .jpg.
  • A strong sans serif font is recommended. All submissions must be proofread; any grammar or spelling errors will cause your request to be denied. You will not receive a proof of your image prior to posting on the digital board.
  • Any use of the 网红前任爆料 brand must be in compliance with the 网红前任爆料 Style Guide.
Section One - 1320px x 780px
  • Campus event promotion
  • Rotating gallery of images
  • Up to five images per two-week session
  • Design Guidelines
    • No more than 3 lines of text
    • Limit of a total of 85 characters
    • Text must be sans serif font and 36 pt. in size
    • URLs must be customized to a reader-friendly format
Section Two - 1320px x 300px
  • Important announcements
  • Static Image
  • One image per two-week session
  • Design Guidelines
    • No more than 2 lines of text
    • Limit of a total of 60 characters
    • Text must be sans serif font and 24 pt. in size
Section Three - 600px x 200px
  • Time & Temperature
  • Type of Media: Digital feed
Section Four 鈥 600px x 880px
  • Calendar listing
  • Up to seven listings per two-week session
  • Design Guidelines
    • Can only include event title, date and time, and location
    • Limit of 25 characters per line (including spaces)
    • Open Sans font, 24 pt., bold, black on gray
Digital Signage Diagram